About Me

Hello there, Internet people. I'm Clara Moore and I like to work out. I spend a lot of my free time doing just that. I never really met a workout I didn't like, which makes me a bit bonkers I suppose.

If it's nice out, I go for a run. The longer, the better.

If it's cold and raining, I stay in the gym.

What I'm Reading Now

I kind of have a short attention span, so this list is going to change a lot from time-to-time. Here's what I'm into at the moment.


I'm re-reading Don Quixote by Cervantes. It's taking me a while. Here are the Spark Notes.

Web Sites and Blogs

Some of the blogs and web sites I'm reading right now. They're not always about fitness, lol.

Clara's Soup (hey, it's mine!)
David's Soup
MortonGnlf's Soup 
The Blonde Salad
Aspiring to Ordinary
Shaw Sips Soup


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